Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Sneaky, very sneaky...

Francis gave me the cutest little look this afternoon while taking a walk around our neighborhood. I laughed so hard when I got home and uploaded the photos. This couldn't be a better showing of her spunky little personality. She is so fun.

We stepped outside our front door to get some air and walk a little, but ended up a few blocks away at Ruth and Geoff's house this afternoon. It was nice to be able to get out and have Francis play with some other kiddos. Ruth and Geoff have three little ones: Caleb, James and Anna. I think their ages are 6, 3, and maybe 1.5. They're adorable and they were so sweet to Francis this afternoon. It's nice to have neighbors who are also dear friends. It's days like today I'm glad we moved.


imron said...

That's a GREAT sneaky pose, and it is awesome that you were able to capture that sucker on digital film. Way to go, and thank you for sharing!

trace said...

do not underestimate her sneakiness...
(i love that sneaky guy in "Mr. Deeds." quality filmaking, i know