Monday, June 27, 2005

Wallace Shawn

Wallace Shawn
Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family.
A couple pictures down, there's a picture of my daughter in the adorable outfit given to her by our friend in Hong Kong, Mary Allen.

While most people have said flattering (or at least constructive) things about this picture, Dave Donoghue offered the following:

"Is it just me or does Francis look a bit like the guy from the Princess Bride in this picture?"

Andre the Giant? Well, she is large. Cary Elwes? Billy Crystal? Mandy Patinkin? Fred Savage? Christopher Guest? I just don't see it.

Wait a minute, he couldn't be talking about Wallace Shawn, could he? Would a friend really compare my daughter to that guy? The guy who must have strangers lisp-yelling "INCONCEIVABLE" to him on the street daily? Dave Donoghue would, and that's why we love him.

For the record, I think there is some similarity there. They both have big fleshy heads and eyes that look right into your soul.


Sally said...

I can't not tell a lie. There is a striking resemblence.

Sally said...

"Did you known.."
Geez... I need to just stop.

Kristen Roedner said...

Sally, you're hilarious and by golly I love ya for it! Keep up the good work! And for the record, if you are making any cutie prints of Frankie these days, please add one for us!

The Olson Family said...

Maaawage, maaawage is what bwings us togetha today. That bwessed event, that dweam within a dweam...........My niece is beautiful, stunning and precious. Leave her alone. She is more beautiful than the princess bride, herself........I love you Francy. Aunt Jen