Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The Car Broke Down

Originally uploaded by The Gulde Family.

So we left the keys on the counter, we said our good-byes to the place, we came down to the garage and found out that . . . . the car's broken down.

This was all last month, but we thought we should still tell the story. It was May 22. Francis was having an allergic reaction to the amoxicillin she was taking for an ear infection (red bumps all over). The last thing we needed was to be stranded in a garage on the first hot day of the year.

We ended up having the car towed out to Oak Park. The culprit: a malfunction in a cooling fan (if you own a 2001 Volvo, take note: that item has been recalled).

Anyway, we stopped the amoxicillin, the rash cleared up and the ears were ok. The car's fine, too.

*Click on the title above for a full set of moving pictures*

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